SuperNanny has come to Mac's House!!!
We were lucky enough to be blessed to have Supernanny Jo Frost come to our house. Jo is a wonderful woman who has been a nanny for 16 years and is also the star of ABC's Supernanny (USA) and Channel 4 Supernanny in England. Jo (or Jo-Jo to our family) truly has a gift when it comes to children and we are grateful to have had her enter our lives and help us become a better, stronger more loving family. Thank you Jo (and Ricochet Television and ABC) for making a positive change in our lives. While we are sad that our time with Jo is over, We hope to keep in touch and put the techniques she has tought us to use. Here are some fun pictures of Mac and her Family during the filming of our episode of SuperNanny with Nanny Jo Frost (Jo-jo). We will air Sometime in late February 2006 stay tuned to get more details.

The Taxi
Here she comes!!
Nanny Jo Arrives!

In the Taxi
We got rides in the taxi!!
At our door

Sweet and Cute
Jo and Riley

Meghan, Jo and Riley
Copying, or in any way using these photos without written permission of Myself or Jo is prohibited.